Creations Made to Order

Whether you would like to capture some special moments for yourself or create a personalised gift for a special person, Mirror The Moments will capture the precious moments and display them in a very unique and special way.

Past Creations

Baby Names

Baby Names

A wonderful, personal gift for a newborn or a Christening. Personal details in the form of pictures and symbols are artistically intertwined with the baby's name or initial.
Chalk Drawings

Chalk Drawings

Bespoke chalk drawings - Wedding venues/Portraits/ Shop Fronts.


To mark the special occasion that is a child's First Holy Communion. Creatively combine the child's name, initial or another word such as "Communion" with personal symbols, words and dates.
Family Names

Family Names

Family surnames or First names combined with personalised details such as names of family members and pets, important dates, symbols and pictures representing hobbies and other life events, all intertwined with requested drawings such as the home house...
Family Tree / Mum

Family Tree / Mum

What better way to show your mum how much you love her, than personalised artwork containing her name and all of her important life details, family member's names, important dates, pets, hobbies, jobs...


Make a memory of the special occasion of a graduation with a unique personalised Mirror The Moments artwork showcasing all of the important, personal details which mean the world to the person graduating.


Tell a love story through words and pictures. The perfect gift for a special couple or partner.


Capture all of the special moments for your nearest and dearest on their retirement.
Wedding / Anniversary

Wedding / Anniversary

A unique and personal wedding gift or anniversary gift. Capture all of the important dates, symbols, names and memories in one special picture.